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performer heritage 2 esercizi svolti pdf

Are the details stressed by Robinson mainly positive or negative? Because she had to work long hours and had no time for herself. Juliet is impulsive, personal, direct, artless, practical. Ascended to the throne: 1603 No, he is not. That power was demonstrated Did you know? 3rd section: Napoleon’s victories in Europe were balanced by Britain’s supremacy at sea. He was seen as a visionary prophet or as a teacher whose role was to point out the evils of society, to give voice to the ideals of truth, beauty and freedom, to mediate between man and nature. The society he creates on the island: It is not an alternative to the English one; on the contrary, it can be read as an exaltation of 18th-century England and its ideals of mobility, material productiveness and individualism. To make medicine more personalised because each of us has different needs for our own healthcare. how long Gothic novels have been scaring us; For about 250 years. It is to keep temperature rises well below 2˚C, and to strive for below 1.5˚C. Mary I: She wanted to restore Catholicism in Who was the main representative of moral and social satire in art? It is unusual because it is not flattering, ‘wiry’ hair is something that shampoo companies try to cure nowadays! ‘subscribed’ (line 28). Mary’s Counter-Reformation brought the Education: He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin; he also enrolled as a law student in London. They decide to go to Thomas Becket’s shrine in Canterbury because he is the most venerated among English saints (lines 16-17). Plot, A brief fictional work of prose. It is that of allowing carbon emissions to rise year after year. What is an important characteristic of the Romantic Age? What were the main features of Daniel Defoe’s The Review? Highlight the repeated words and say what they refer to. Tick the ones that apply to Macbeth. The structure of his novels is characterised by a series of episodes and adventures held together by the unifying presence of a single hero. He rebelled against existing religions, laws and customs; he became a republican, a vegetarian and an advocate of free love. Write down the lines referred to Brabantio. Education: He attended a private school in Enfield and, following the early deaths of his father (killed in a riding accident) and mother (of tuberculosis), he decided to study to become a surgeon in 1810. What message does the Traveller leave? In this way, we know that he does value her with strong positive feelings. It subtly mitigates Darcy’s offensive remarks. Picture 4: the defeat of the Spanish Armada. What did he think of Martin Luther? had been heavily influenced by the ideas of the Where is the novel set? When Shelley invokes this breath, he has a traveller in mind, a ‘comrade’ (line 49) like himself. He is shipwrecked there during a voyage to Africa to get more slaves. The actors’ tiring house was presumably at the back of the stage. His strong Christian faith, however, did not allow him to identify nature with the divine, in that form of pantheism which Wordsworth adopted. To what effect? They are narrated in the first person, thus becoming long interior monologues which describe a great variety of moods and sensations: sadness, sense of guilt, claustrophobia, deviation, fear, hatred and desire. What did the young man do when he saw Robinson? flogged by monks at the door of the cathedral As he needed He studied for a Master’s Degree at Cambridge, and also learnt Latin, Greek and Italian. Both hero and heroine are involved in a journey towards self-awareness and self-knowledge. students’ ability to explain their point of view; use of alliteration, it is a story in verse, often told in the first personsetting in time and placedescription of charactersaim: to entertain and instruct. What has he been doing? Merchant’s appearance Correct the false ones. However, his most heroic trait is that he is not afraid of dying.Language features: There is a lot of repetition: directions and reports are repeated, speeches are often followed by phrases such as ‘thus he spoke’ to emphasise that the words are those of a character and not of the narrator. The form of the novel is epistolary; perhaps the writer wanted to disguise her own voice as a woman by hiding behind three male narrators. Most of Coleridge’s best poetry was written in the years spent in the Lake District with the poet William Wordsworth. Is the setting indoors or outdoors? He is wearing white silk stockings, buckled shoes, a white lace shirt and a wig. What kind of work is The Canterbury Tales? The myth of Icarus: line 7. She is connoted as a precious person, while Shylock is corrupt (the black colour of jet) and ordinary (red wine) Highlighted in light blue: words referred by Shylock to Antonio. What is it like? property on the way people treat each other, themes: marriage and the complications of love ‘inviolate’ (line 26), Who was Thomas Cranmer and why was he an important figure of the period? No, his real name is Robinson Kreutznaer, turned into Crusoe because of the English ‘corruption of words’. C Parliamentary sovereignty was established peacefully. Students’ activity. The third stanza describes images of peace and serenity linked to the semantic area of nature, with its seas, woods and vegetation: the ‘blue Mediterranean’, ‘summer dreams’, ‘Lulled by the coil’, ‘crystàlline streams’, ‘sleep’, the ‘azure moss and flowers’, the ‘oozy woods’. He wishes he could turn into air and then into water drops. The concept of salvation and God’s grace, the search for God’s will in everyday life, the analytical approach to reality and the belief in hard work as a way to increase the gifts that God has given men. ‘We’ve come a long way from where we began’, ‘Damn, who knew? his reign Erasmus of Rotterdam brought the garlic and holy symbols (crucifix, Holy Wafer); ‘liberty’ (line 4), life of prayer, study and work; individual search Explain your answer. He questioned the Ptolemaic system since he held that the sun, and not the earth, was at the centre of the universe. They believed in immortality and in the transmigration of the soul from one person to another. Sensual. Chaucer did not portray the aristocracy or peasants. Was this device effective for the Elizabethan audience? The ideas of philosophers and writers like Burke and Paine. She accuses him of being arrogant, conceited and selfish (lines 110-114). 1st section (lines 1-4): Physical description of the The first three stanzas are balanced by the last three stanzas. ‘douceurs’ (line 6), What can he see under his feet on the shore? They are age, sickness, war and justice. is left in Cassio’s lodgings by Iago, which makes Lines 9-11 provide an exception to the use of the present tense which characterises the whole poem. This ‘physical beauty’ is caught in all nature’s forms, in the colours it displays, in the sweetness of its perfumes, in the shape of a flower, in a woman. T, It dramatises the portrait of an extraordinary temperament. Does he know where he is going? mother, sister, brother, and his ‘true-love’ the characters involved; The narrator and the woman in black. When there was flooding in Britain, the government said money for the relief was not a problem. This is the turning point in Portia’s speech: she says that even the ultimate judge does not apply unadulterated justice. He has already visited Mr Bingley. of Cyprus. Chaucer listed and described tools, clothes and personal qualities. He has a very good countenance and most features remind Robinson of European people (lines 3-6). How is love associated with light in this play? an inner stage, which was used for discoveries of Bath was a wealthy woman and could afford It extended the vote to almost all male members of the middle classes and re-distributed seats on a more equitable basis in the counties. What is the theme developed in the poem? Suggestion: Jane Austen is regarded as the master of the novel of manners. What is the atmosphere in the poem? They have malicious intentions and prophetic powers but are not active agents: they just talk and offer prophecies and potions. recollection of a glorious past great deeds of heroes military and aristocratic society supernatural creatures a long narrative poetical composition elevated style rich, vivid language → type-scenes: banquets, battles, voyages, funerals, themes: loss of friendship, favour and past A council made up of barons, clergy, knights and representatives of the towns. To the Augustan Age, a child was important only in so far as he would become an adult and civilised being. It is in lines 79-97. It covers about nine days. It was roofed and artificially lit with candles. The conflict James, however, then married the Catholic Mary of Modena and became the father of a Catholic son who took precedence over Mary as James’s successor. They are in groups (except Ferdinand) in different parts of the island. It has been interpreted as the description of a dream, which allows the poet to relate the supernatural and the less conscious part of his psyche to a familiar experience; as an allegory of the life of the soul in its passage from sin, through punishment, to redemption; as a description of the poetic journey of Romanticism. 'Myth': a traditional story, especially one that explains the early history of a group of people or social phenomena. Robinson. money he needed to pay his army to fight a Highlighted in orange: description of the Beowulf hears tales about the Danish King Hrothgar’s problems with Grendel. He is a tragic hero because he is linked both to ‘Prometheus’s myth’ of eternal dissatisfaction, and ‘Icarus’s myth’ of the overreacher. Matilda m. Geoffrey of Anjou Language: Rejection of everyday language in favour of poetic diction. Mercutio is a friend of Romeo. If we continue to allow emissions to rise, we will be faced with serious consequences. Wiglaf: sorrow, regret, sympathythe queen: sorrow, sympathy. He decides to live there because he finds a new coin every morning, which allows him to lead a dissolute life. The work consists of a ‘General Prologue’, where the pilgrims are introduced, and twenty-four tales. A break that divides a line into two halves. To develop a critical awareness of the limitations of European values. Faustus does not believe in predestination and in life after death. Lines 5-8, 9-10, 16, 19, 26-27. It is a dim light. the Peasants’ Revolt. introduced. In turn, Juliet compares their newfound love to light, primarily to stress the speed at which their romance is moving, but also to suggest that, just as the lightening is a glorious break in the blackness of the night sky, so their love turns out to be a flash, a wonderful glow in a dark world. What can he hear at the end? Say what ‘Two households both alike in dignity’ in line 1 means. The Professor held the envelope containing the ‘Sacred Wafer’ towards him, while the others advanced lifting their crucifixes. To give up his magic powers, to break and bury his wand and to drown his books. his feelings; He is at first shocked and then desperate. Two disasters: In 1665 there was a devastating outbreak of bubonic plague and in 1666 the Great Fire of London raged for five days, destroying nine-tenths of the buildings within the City’s medieval walls. Re-order the phrases. Explain the features of the narrator’s character. Approach to reality: Objective and rational, as demonstrated by his journal-keeping. He was one of the greatest journalists of the age. Boxes: Tenor = Juliet Line 1. Their social condition, profession and clothes (lines 30-34). Where does the action take place and what are the features of the setting? The moral of this play is that ambition and dissatisfaction with what God has given man is a terrible sin that can only lead to damnation. Hadrian’s Wall was built as a defensive fortification and ‘customs barrier’ between the conquered Britons and the unconquered Scots and Picts in the North. Graham Solomons, Craig B. Fryhle e … How did the men try to help Jonathan? The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, his masterpiece written in 1798, is the first poem of the collection Lyrical Ballads. Gulliver is a typical European. The queen assumes a new and stronger authority. the other characters of the play. Stanza 2: some musicians playing pipes and timbrels, and a young man near to kissing a girl, Stanza 4: a priest leading a heifer to the sacrifice and followed by a religious procession taking place in the countryside, since the poet imagines a town emptied of its people, Stanza 5: marble men and women perceived as eternal elements, Unheard melodies are enjoyed through the ear. What is it like? council made up of barons, clergy, knights and marriage, his brother his houses and land, and The poem contains a famous paradox, or apparent contradiction. Shelley’s verse covers a wide range of metric and stanzaic forms. The awareness of the character’s desperate situation. He also called himself Faust junior. Why do you think these features make the creature a monster as soon as it is animated? What idea does this choice convey? Romeo is tender, romantic, artful, passionate. got very angry, Physical appearance: deaf; bold, handsome, red Consider the tone of the opening sentence. Does the narrator interpret what he sees for the reader or does he just describe what he sees?He does not interpret what he sees, he simply describes it. Can you think of a reason why? What do you notice about these verbs? ‘Find the words that matter / Say them out loud’ Everyone should try to express in some way their concern publically. He informs us that it is after two o’clock and that his work must be finished by six (lines 62-63). The main features of the epic poem in the text are: the presence of a hero and the celebration of heroic values the description of a funeral the description of a military society the use of vivid language and formulaic phrases. Stephen 1135-1154 it avoided the despotism of a Catholic king. The prologue also ends with a statement that clearly foreshadows the tragic ending of the play: ‘And the continuance of their parents’ rage, / Which, but their children’s end, nought could remove, / Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage.’ In other words, this two-hour-long play will show that the only thing that could stop the parents’ fighting is the deaths of their children. Swift uses exaggeration and reversal of roles to condemn the Europeans, whose Yahoo-like nature makes dealing with them impossible. The Performer - Culture & Literature è affiancato da Performer - FCE Tutor, un corso per la preparazione della certificazione FCE, con il quale esiste un parallelismo tematico e tipologico (esercizi FCE). Is he alone? From the areas of religion, astrology, alchemy, geography and philosophy, which illustrate the intellectual excitement of the age. Poetry should deal with everyday situations or incidents and with ordinary people, especially humble, rural people.

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